This is a transformative time in advertising. The industry is fundamentally — and rapidly — changing, and advertisers have more information to juggle than ever before. DoubleVerify’s Global Insights: 2024 Trends Report examines the data behind the biggest shifts in advertising while considering the importance of quality as the foundation of all digital media performance. Request yours now to explore how:
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) has became even more widespread, accelerating transformation in media and advertising — from risks associated with generative AI to previously unimaginable performance results.
  • Attention is gaining popularity among media buyers, with 47% planning to use attention metrics on most of their buys in 2024.
  • Made for Advertising (MFA) content is increasing rapidly.
  • Retail Media Networks (RMNs) offer increasingly popular, specialized inventory.
  • Sustainability measurement is showing that higher media quality leads to lower carbon emissions.

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Dig in Deeper: Regional Insights

The 2024 regional insights reports span APAC, EMEA, LATAM and North America to offer a deep look into regional nuances.


Asia-Pacific (APAC)

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Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA)

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Latin America (LATAM)

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North America

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