Since 2017, DV’s Global Insights Report (GIR) has provided advertisers with in-depth market-by-market analysis from North America, EMEA, APAC and LATAM to help inform digital advertising strategies. This webinar reviews findings from DV’s 2022 GIR and feature DV’s Jordan Khoo, Managing Director, APAC, and Collette Spagnolo, VP, Marketing Analytics, along with Eileen Ooi, CEO of Omnicom Media Group Malaysia, and Alexis Wengraf, Director, Matterkind, to discuss how they’re able to leverage insights and metrics from the report to inform their digital advertising campaigns.

The webinar explores the role of measurement over time and uncovers how this makes verification poised to maximize performance over the next five years. We also highlight significant global trends and regional findings on key metrics and engage our panel in a robust discussion on significant learnings advertisers can act upon to drive media quality and performance.

2022 global findings and APAC findings include:

  • The quality of digital advertising on the open web, as measured by viewability, fraud, brand suitability and geo, is now under control because of verification mechanisms in place. The post-bid violation rate, which is the rate of measured fraud, geo and brand safety/suitability infractions, fell 6% year over year. DV advertisers, overall, now see an average of just 10% of combined brand suitability, fraud and out-of-geo infractions.
  • Brand suitability violations in the region declined by 31% year-over-year, and are now at 6.9%. APAC achieved this drop in violations after the top advertisers in the region cleaned up their keyword lists and began using Authentic Brand Suitability targeting.
  • APAC also saw a 17% increase in video viewability. Large brand-focused advertisers in the region focused heavily on viewability and it paid off. Brands understand that viewability is a prerequisite to attention, and before tackling attention, viewability rates should be high.
  • Fraud increased year over year, but APAC has the lowest post-bid fraud rate.