Consumer appetite for digital content continues to soar, with no end in sight. A recent DV report indicated that people spend more time each day consuming content now than they did pre-pandemic. In fact, digital habits picked up during the pandemic weren’t a transient phenomenon; they’re now part of consumers’ daily lives. Two out of three (66%) consumers stated that they intend to continue pursuing online hobbies they began during the pandemic, according to DV’s Four Fundamental Shifts report. Given the massive amount of content online, it’s helpful for people, publishers and advertisers to have a tool to sift through it all.

Advertising platform, Taboola, powers recommendations for the open web, helping over half a billion users discover content every day. Similar to DoubleVerify (DV), Taboola works with both advertisers and publishers. From an advertiser perspective, Taboola helps promote brands’ ads at the moments that their digital audience is most receptive to new messages, products and services. For publishers, Taboola provides their audiences with online content that’s relevant, interesting and new – resulting in new engagement and monetization opportunities.

We recently had a conversation with Taboola’s Ehud Furman, SVP Advertising Services & Partnerships, to learn more about the platform and how it empowers their customers to drive real business results.


In your own words, can you please provide a brief overview of your company?

We’ve built long-term partnerships with the world’s top digital properties, including CNBC, BBC, NBC News, and Business Insider, delivering personalized experiences to their audiences at scale.

Powered by deep learning algorithms and a massive readership data set, we help publishers generate revenue from sponsored content, e-commerce products, and subscriptions. We also give them the tools to better understand their readers and make their editorial teams more effective.

With our world-class advertising platform, over 15,000 brands engage highly-targeted consumers on the open web in brand-safe environments. Instead of waiting for customers to search for information, our recommendation platform delivers the right content to the right people at the right time, whether they’re reading articles on news sites or browsing on mobile apps.


What would you say is the most unique aspect of your company compared with similar players in the ad tech space?

Taboola is the world’s largest content recommendation engine, reaching 500 million active users a day across premium publisher properties, including websites, blogs and mobile apps.

Taboola is uniquely positioned thanks to our direct relationship with both publishers and advertisers. While most companies in the industry focus on either supply or demand relationships, we’ve developed direct partnerships with over 9,000 publishers and 15,000 advertisers worldwide.

We also enable publishers to grow revenue from sponsored content, e-Commerce products and subscriptions with highly visible placements, innovative formats and unique readership data.


Given our news cycle that seems to have progressively evolved over the past few years, have you found that it’s even more critical than ever for your customers to establish a brand suitability strategy?

Our business is completely aligned with the success of our advertiser and publisher partners. We’re committed to helping brands expand their reach across the open web and tap into massive audiences of consumers. Still, we know that fast-evolving news cycles and privacy concerns are putting more pressure on brands and agencies than ever before.

With unprecedented changes to consumer behavior, shifts in targeting methods and increases in controversial content, it’s becoming harder for marketers to understand and reach consumers at scale. That’s why we’ve partnered with DV to help advertisers protect the information ecosystem by establishing a brand safety and suitability framework that fits their needs.


How has DV’s Brand Suitability Avoidance solution allowed your customers to ensure their ads are aligned with content most suitable for their brand?

Taboola’s advertiser clients — including performance marketers, global and emerging brands, and media agencies — have access to DV’s standard brand safety and suitability solutions. This gives them more control over where their ads are placed and the quality of the environments those ads are distributed in.

Since these settings can be fully customized based on an advertiser’s brand safety and suitability needs, our clients can carefully balance brand reputation, protection and scale while achieving their marketing objectives across Taboola campaigns.

By utilizing DV’s brand safety solutions on Taboola’s network, marketers don’t have to choose between maximizing reach and ensuring brand safety. They can have both.


What does the future look like for Taboola?

2023 is going to be an exciting year for Taboola. Here are some upcoming trends we’re looking at in the next 12 months!

  1. Context, context, context: No matter what type of media campaigns brands and agencies will run, they will continue to request a relevant environment, contextually accurate placements and performance that drive returns for their media investments.
  2. Close(r) relationships: The time of putting distance (physically or technologically) between partners is over. Face-to-face meetings are back and clients recognize that the less middle man there is in the media plan, the more effective the campaign will be.
  3. New metrics will emerge: This includes attention, carbon efficiency and transparency. There are a lot of new ways to look at media spend emerging. 2023 is going to be full of discussions on ways to better understand the impact of a media campaign. Taboola is looking forward to partnering with the rest of the industry to measure, optimize and improve ad values and give credit where it’s due.
  4. Going big and going long: Taboola recently announced a 30-year deal with one of the largest publishers in the world (Hint, they’re purple!) 


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