A Privacy Rethink: Adjusting to the Major Developments Transforming Adtech
On the web, browser-level blocking, third-party ad-blocking apps, and laws like Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California’s Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) are resulting in the phasing out of the third-party cookie. In the mobile space, significant privacy updates on mobile operating systems are also causing marketers to rethink their tracking and targeting practices.
Panel experts will discuss the impact of these developments and the new privacy-oriented solutions emerging due to advances in aggregation, anonymization, on-device processing, and other privacy-preserving technologies.
Time: 1:05 – 1:50pm EDT
Drew Weicker, VP of Sales, North America, DoubleVerify
Shruti Koparkar, Head of Product Marketing, Quantcast
Brieanna Harburn, Product Marketing Manager, Facebook Canada
Moderator: Andrea Longman, VP Account Management, Environics Analytics
Reach out to Events@DoubleVerify.com to connect with us.